TrashMan is a control panel that will automatically empty your WasteBasket without you having to go to the Special menu and select Empty Wastebasket.
How do I use Trashman?
Simply drag Trashman to your System Folder, the System should place the control panel in the Control Panels folder, and restart your machine. TrashMan once installed can be turned on and off without restarting your machine. Trashman is initially off with a delay between emptying the trash of 10 seconds.
To increase the delay between emptying the trash open up the Trashman control panel and type in the number of seconds you want the delay to be. You will note that the delay cannot be set to less than 10 seconds. From the open control panel you can also turn TrashMan on and off.
PLEASE NOTE : TrashMan is shareware. If you find Trashman useful and continue to use it please pay. It's only $10 and can be paid online at <> (or <> if you browser cannot handle secure transactions). Alternatively you can pay by cash, check or credit card. Please see the 'How to Order' document.
Please feel free to distribute this package but please keep the Readme and How to Order documents along with the control panel together in any distribution.
System Requirements
System 7.0 or greater, PowerPC.
This product is not limited in any way, you get the working version even if you don't pay. I'm trusting you to pay if you like the product. For support or questions please e-mail me at